Meet The Mama!
Jolene is a writer, communications maven, and mover and shaker extraordinaire.
I created this blog to help you realize you are someone special, you are a winner, AND you can follow your dreams and accomplish your goals no matter what those may be! When women become mothers their natural instincts to nurture and love kick in right away.
Moms tend to put children and family first often times forgetting about themselves. Many moms make major sacrifices and after so many years of doing so, they find themselves filling a bit lost, unfulfilled, overweight, unhealthy or just plain sad. I am in no way suggesting women shouldn't become mothers, that is a ludicrous thought!
Becoming a mother has been the most outstanding and biggest accomplishment in my life but during my journey I simply forgot about me – Jolene Butts Freeman.
From My Blog
I lost myself in motherhood, hustling to be SUPER MOM! I lost myself in circumstances, and while doing so I’ve gained 96 pounds. I gained an ulcer and a hernia dealing with stress expected and unexpected necessary and unnecessary stress! What I was missing was me taking time for ME!
I realized I was soon to become an empty-nester and that meant it was my time! It was time to wake up and take care of Jolene! I decided to write this blog in January 2014. I encourage all mamas out there to join me on this self-help journey to becoming better, healthier, happier mamas.

Some Inspiration
“No one can do it for you...whatever your 'it' may be. However, once you make up your mind to accomplish your 'it', you can, and you will, make a move!”